Facilities at Starlit Suites, Kochi

Swimming pool in the night with the lights on - Starlit Suites, Kochi

Swimming Pool

Overview of the Gymnasium with eqipment in view - Starlit Suites, Kochi

Fitness Centre

Round table seating inside the Banquet - Starlit Suites, Kochi

Multiple Event Venues

Many items on a table that was served as room service with a double bed in the background

Room Service

Many washing machines stacked next to each other inside a room

Laundry Service (Chargeable)

A doctor with folded hands, holding a stethoscope and wearing a white gown

Doctor On-call

An empty parking lot with beams having reflective stickers on them

Free Parking

Seating arrangement inside the Terrace Garden in the evening - Starlit Suites, Kochi

Jogging Track

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